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The RE:entry Mentorship Project provides supportive services, information, referrals, and mentor pairing for individuals returning to community from incarceration. These supportive services and personal guidance empower these individuals to overcome potential barriers and achieve their goals.


Our Community Mentors are volunteers. They receive no financial compensation; they mentor because they care. Our mentors want to cheer on, empower, and guide participants towards success.


If you desire to bridge the gaps for the formerly incarcerated, you can apply to be a mentor online or stop by the RE:center for a paper application.



Studies show that people leaving prison (or jail) who have a mentor are less likely to be incarcerated. This program expects commitment, willingness to change, and open communication. By choosing this program, you are showing that you want to make positive changes in your life.


The Community Mentorship Program is tremendously successful in other counties. mentor trained to provide resource referrals, assist with goal completion, and give emotional support. Many facilities provide reentry services but lack one-on-one mentorship. Mentors are the missing link in successful reentry.



If you would like to work with a Community Mentor, contact us today. You can also schedule an appointment with our project coordinator today. Even if you feel that you are ready for a mentor, stop by the RE:center. Our team will help you reach your goals. Watch this video from our parent project, Yavapai Reentry Project.




This program is a commitment you are choosing to make. You must communicate with your Mentor, put total effort into it the entire time, and provide contact information for follow-up. This is a six-month commitment.



This program is a commitment you are choosing to make. You must communicate with your Mentor, put total effort into it the entire time, and provide contact information for follow-up. This is a six-month commitment.



This program is a commitment you are choosing to make. You must communicate with your Mentor, put total effort into it the entire time, and provide contact information for follow-up. This is a six-month commitment.


We care about your success in the community. Our team will guide you through reentry and connect you with the services you need to be a thriving community member. These connections include employment opportunities, behavioral health services, housing, transportation, classes, community, and much more. You only need to be willing to do the work.

  • Safer communities

  • Increased hope through positive relationships

  • Increased employment

  • Increased family support and cohesiveness

  • Decreased crime rates.

  • Decreased homelessness.

  • decreased recidivism and cost associated with incarceration.


all participants have access to

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Job training, employment    services, higher education

Caring mentors who support your dreams and goals

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Assistance acquiring identification, health insurance, food stamps, housing, mental health  services, and more

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  Food, personal hygiene packs, and  other supplies to make reentry easier

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RE:center’s free computer lab, WIFI café, and our knowledgeable, supportive team

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